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General Knowledge  
Find information on a range of subjects such as geographic areas, ethnic groups, time periods or academic disciplines
look up:
e.g.: time
Topics »
Search through the About directory of over 50,000 specialized topics, each one managed by an expert on the subject
look up:
e.g.: Alternative Medicine
Get information on notable men and women who have shaped our world from ancient times to the present day
e.g.: Johann Gutenberg
Find both contemporary and classic quotations
quotations about or containing:
e.g.: knowledge

Law / Legal Tools  
Nolo Law Encyclopedia »
Nolo's Law Encyclopedia contains plain-English information on many different legal topics
keywords or question:
e.g.: how can I get my security deposit back?
Law Legal Dictionary »
Find the meaning of any legal term
legal term:
e.g.: copyright
Trademark Search
Search various trademark databases, including all pending, registered and canceled trademark records
name to look up:
e.g.: coca-cola

Americom Telephone Area Codes »
Look up worldwide telephone country codes, city codes and area codes
city or country or area code or country code:
e.g.: San Fransisco or 415
Frankfurt, Germany or +49-69
Tip: Put a plus sign in front of international country codes and put a dash between the country and city code
Reverse Lookup
Find a person's name and street address from a telephone number. Unlisted numbers will not show up
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